Our Purpose and Mission
The Church is not a building or an event, and it is never man made. It is a supernatural community. It’s the community that God made. Its the community of redeemed people; of those who have been purchased by God through the cross of Christ, over all time and in all places (“…the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” Acts 20.28).
As such, there is one global, universal church: God’s own people. And yet, we find in the New Testament that within that universal church Christians were intended to belong to local bodies or gatherings (Rom 16.1; 1 Cor 1.2; Gal 1.22).
First Baptist Church is one of those local communities. We are a gathering of God’s people in this valley, forgiven by Christ, adopted into His family and formed into His body, of which He is the head.
According to the example of the early Church in Acts, our gatherings are marked by the preaching of the Word, the sharing of the Lord’s supper, sharing of our possessions and lives, and by making praise to God with thanksgiving (Acts 2.42-47).
Our Purpose as a local body of Christ is this:
To make known the glory of God through out the world and in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3.10), by praising Him as God, by proclaiming the Word of God and by building up mature believers into the likeness of the Son of God.
Or to say it another way…
We exist to make Jesus Christ known and treasured above all things.
“We exist to make Jesus Christ known and treasured above all things.”